
Курсы валют

Казахстансих тенге

9:00 - 18:00
8 727 268-03-21
8 701 082-94-86


CPU 013C, 64kB, Ethernet, MPI, PtP

Изделие: 013-CCF0R00

Краткое описание:
Встроенная рабочая память 64 кБРасширение объема рабочей памяти до 128 кБВстроенная периферия: 16 x DI, 12 x DO, 2 x AI (4 счетчика до 100 кГц, 2 x ШИМ до 20 кГц)2 порта Ethernet PG/OP (коммутатор) для программирования и обмена данными с панелью оператора или SCADA-cистемойУниверсальный последовательный порт RS-485: MPI, USS master, ASCII, ETX/STX, 3964R, Modbus master/slave, а также PROFIBUS slave (опционально с помощью карты VSC)Клеммные соединители с зажимом типа Push-InКарта SD объемом до 2 ГбайтПодключение до 64 модулей расширения SLIO всех типовПрограммирование с помощью WinPLC7, SPEED7 Studio, STEP7 и TIA Portal
Производитель: VIPA
Вес: 0.31 кг.
Розничная цена: 207555

CPU 013C (013-CCF0R00)

Модуль CPU 013C со встроенными IO

Компактный процессорный модуль CPU 013C имеет на борту встроенные каналы дискретного и аналогового ввода-вывода, а также конфигурируемые специализированные каналы для реализации различных технологических функций. Наличие встроенных сигнальных входов-выходов позволяет использовать CPU 013C в качестве функционально законченного блока управления в системах промышленной автоматизации, системах автоматизации зданий, конвейерных системах и т.д.

При необходимости, функциональные возможности CPU 013C могут быть существенно увеличены с помощью модулей расширения серии SLIO всех типов. При этом контроллер обеспечивает также обмен данными в сетях Ethernet и PROFIBUS DP, а также через последовательные соединения типа PtP с интерфейсом RS-485.


Основные характеристики

  • Технология SPEED7
  • Производительность CPU (слово/бит): 0,02 / 0,02 мкс
  • Встроенная рабочая память 64 кБ
  • Расширение объема рабочей памяти до 128 кБ
  • Встроенная периферия: 16 x DI, 12 x DO, 2 x AI (4 счетчика до 100 кГц, 2 x ШИМ до 20 кГц)
  • 2 порта Ethernet PG/OP (коммутатор) для программирования и обмена данными с панелью оператора или SCADA-cистемой
  • Универсальный последовательный порт RS-485: MPI, USS master, ASCII, ETX/STX, 3964R, Modbus master/slave, а также PROFIBUS slave (опционально с помощью карты VSC)
  • Клеммные соединители с зажимом типа Push-In
  • Карта SD объемом до 2 Гбайт
  • Подключение до 64 модулей расширения SLIO всех типов
  • Программирование с помощью WinPLC7, SPEED7 Studio, STEP7 и TIA Portal


Модуль CPU 015   Описание
  1. Locking lever
  2. X1: Ethernet PG/OP channel 1
  3. X3: MPI(PtP) interface
  4. LEDs integrated IO periphery
  5. X2: Ethernet PG/OP channel 2
  6. X4, X5: Connector IO part
  7. LED status indication CPU part
  8. Slot for external storage media (lockable)
  9. Backplane bus
  10. Operating mode switch CPU



X1/X2 Ethernet PG/OP




  1. Transmit +
  2. Transmit -
  3. Receive +
  4. -
  5. -
  6. Receive -
  7. -
  8. -
  1. n.c.
  2. M24V
  3. RxD/TxD-P (Line B)
  4. RTS
  5. M5V
  6. P5V
  7. P24V
  8. RxD/TxD-N (Line A)
  9. n.c.


X4: Connector

Pos.   Function


1 AI 0 I AI0: Analog input AI 0
2 AI 1 I AI1: Analog input AI 1
3 Analog 0V    I 4M: GND for analog inputs
4 DI 0 I +0.0: Digital input DI 0 / Counter 0 (A) *
5 DI 1 I +0.1: Digital input DI 1 / Counter 0 (B) / Frequency 0 *
6 DI 2 I +0.2: Digital input DI 2
7 DI 3 I +0.3: Digital input DI 3 / Counter 1 (A) *
8 DI 4 I +0.4: Digital input DI 4 / Counter 1 (B) / Frequency 1 *
9 DI 5 I +0.5: Digital input DI 5
10 DI 6 I +0.6: Digital input DI 6 / Counter 2 (A) *
11 DI 7 I +0.7: Digital input DI 7 / Counter 2 (B) / Frequency 2 *
12 DI 8 I +1.0: Digital input DI 8
13 DI 9 I +1.1: Digital input DI 9 / Counter 3 (A) *
14 DI 10 I +1.2: Digital input DI 10 / Counter 3 (B) / Frequency 3 *
15 DI 11 I +1.3: Digital input DI 11 / Gate 3 *
16 DI 12 I +1.4: Digital input DI 12
17 DI 13 I +1.5: Digital input DI 13
18 DI 14 I +1.6: Digital input DI 14
19 DI 15 I +1.7: Digital input DI 15 / Latch 3 *
20 DC 24V I 5L+: DC 24V for onboard DI power section supply
21 0 V I 5M: GND for onboard DI power section supply

*) Max. input frequency 100kHz otherwise 1kHz.



X5: Connector

Pos.   Function  


1 AI 0 I 1L+: DC 24V for electronic section supply
2 AI 1 I 1M: GND for electronic section supply
3 --- --- reserved
4 DC 24V O S+: DC 24V for sensor
5 0V O 1M: GND for sensor
6 DI 0 O +0.0: Digital output DO 0 / PWM 0 / Output channel counter 0
7 DI 1 O +0.1: Digital output DO 1 / PWM 1 / Output channel counter 1
8 DI 2 O +0.2: Digital output DO 2 / Output channel counter 2
9 DI 3 O +0.3: Digital output DO 3 / Output channel counter 3
10 DI 4 O +0.4: Digital output DO 4
11 DI 5 O +0.5: Digital output DO 5
12 DI 6 O +0.6: Digital output DO 6
13 DI 7 O +0.7: Digital output DO 7
14 DI 8 O +1.0: Digital output DO 8
15 DI 9 O +1.1: Digital output DO 9
16 DI 10 O +1.2: Digital output DO 10
17 DI 11 O +1.3: Digital output DO 11
18 DC 24V I 2L+: DC 24V for onboard DO power section supply
19 0 V I 2M: GND for onboard DO power section supply / GND PWM
20 DC 24V I 3L+: DC 24V for SLIO bus power section supply
21 0 V I 3M: GND for SLIO bus power section supply


Скачать руководство CPU 013C

Order no.


Type CPU 013C
Module ID -

General information

Note -
Features SPEED7 technology
16 x DI, 12 x DO, 2 x AI, from which are 4 input channels parameterizable for counters and frequency measurement and 2 Output channels for PWM
64 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 128 kB)
optionell PROFIBUS-DP slave / PtP (switchable)

Technical data power supply

Power supply (rated value) DC 24 V
Power supply (permitted range) DC 20.4...28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection
Current consumption (no-load operation) 120 mA
Current consumption (rated value) 360 mA
Inrush current 3 A
I²t 0.1 A²s
Max. current drain at backplane bus 1 A
Max. current drain load supply 6 A
Power loss 7 W

Technical data digital inputs

Number of inputs 16
Cable length, shielded 1000 m
Cable length, unshielded 600 m
Rated load voltage DC 24 V
Reverse polarity protection of rated load voltage
Current consumption from load voltage L+ (without load) 25 mA
Rated value DC 24 V
Input voltage for signal "0" DC 0...5 V
Input voltage for signal "1" DC 15...28.8 V
Input voltage hysteresis -
Frequency range -
Input resistance -
Input current for signal "1" 3 mA
Connection of Two-Wire-BEROs possible
Max. permissible BERO quiescent current 0.5 mA
Input delay of "0" to "1" 3 µs – 15 ms / 0.5 ms – 15 ms
Input delay of "1" to "0" 3 µs – 15 ms / 0.5 ms – 15 ms
Number of simultaneously utilizable inputs horizontal configuration 16
Number of simultaneously utilizable inputs vertical configuration 16
Input characteristic curve IEC 61131-2, type 1
Initial data size 16 Bit

Technical data digital outputs

Number of outputs 12
Cable length, shielded 1000 m
Cable length, unshielded 600 m
Rated load voltage DC 24 V
Reverse polarity protection of rated load voltage
Current consumption from load voltage L+ (without load) 20 mA
Total current per group, horizontal configuration, 40°C 6 A
Total current per group, horizontal configuration, 60°C 6 A
Total current per group, vertical configuration 6 A
Output voltage signal "1" at min. current L+ (-0.8 V)
Output voltage signal "1" at max. current L+ (-0.8 V)
Output current at signal "1", rated value 0.5 A
Output current, permitted range to 40°C 5 mA to 0.6 A
Output current, permitted range to 60°C 5 mA to 0.6 A
Output current at signal "0" max. (residual current) 0.5 mA
Output delay of "0" to "1" 2 µs / 30 µs
Output delay of "1" to "0" 3 µs / 175 µs
Minimum load current -
Lamp load 10 W
Parallel switching of outputs for redundant control of a load not possible
Parallel switching of outputs for increased power not possible
Actuation of digital input
Switching frequency with resistive load max. 1000 Hz
Switching frequency with inductive load max. 0.5 Hz
Switching frequency on lamp load max. 10 Hz
Internal limitation of inductive shut-off voltage L+ (-45 V)
Short-circuit protection of output yes, electronic
Trigger level 1 A
Number of operating cycle of relay outputs -
Switching capacity of contacts -
Output data size 12 Bit

Technical data analog inputs

Number of inputs 2
Cable length, shielded 200 m
Rated load voltage -
Reverse polarity protection of rated load voltage -
Current consumption from load voltage L+ (without load) -
Voltage inputs
Min. input resistance (voltage range) 100 kΩ
Input voltage ranges 0 V ... +10 V
Operational limit of voltage ranges +/-3.5%
Operational limit of voltage ranges with SFU -
Basic error limit voltage ranges +/-3.0%
Basic error limit voltage ranges with SFU -
Destruction limit voltage max. 30V
Current inputs -
Max. input resistance (current range) -
Input current ranges -
Operational limit of current ranges -
Operational limit of current ranges with SFU -
Basic error limit current ranges -
Radical error limit current ranges with SFU -
Destruction limit current inputs (electrical current) -
Destruction limit current inputs (voltage) -
Resistance inputs -
Resistance ranges -
Operational limit of resistor ranges -
Operational limit of resistor ranges with SFU -
Basic error limit -
Basic error limit with SFU -
Destruction limit resistance inputs -
Resistance thermometer inputs -
Resistance thermometer ranges -
Operational limit of resistance thermometer ranges -
Operational limit of resistance thermometer ranges with SFU -
Basic error limit thermoresistor ranges -
Basic error limit thermoresistor ranges with SFU -
Destruction limit resistance thermometer inputs -
Thermocouple inputs -
Thermocouple ranges -
Operational limit of thermocouple ranges -
Operational limit of thermocouple ranges with SFU -
Basic error limit thermoelement ranges -
Basic error limit thermoelement ranges with SFU -
Destruction limit thermocouple inputs -
Programmable temperature compensation -
External temperature compensation -
Internal temperature compensation -
Technical unit of temperature measurement -
Resolution in bit 12
Measurement principle successive approximation
Basic conversion time 0.5 ms
Noise suppression for frequency 40 dB
Initial data size 4 Byte

Technical data analog outputs

Number of outputs -
Cable length, shielded -
Rated load voltage -
Reverse polarity protection of rated load voltage -
Current consumption from load voltage L+ (without load) -
Voltage output short-circuit protection -
Voltage outputs -
Min. load resistance (voltage range) -
Max. capacitive load (current range) -
Max. inductive load (current range) -
Output voltage ranges -
Operational limit of voltage ranges -
Basic error limit voltage ranges with SFU -
Destruction limit against external applied voltage -
Current outputs -
Max. in load resistance (current range) -
Max. inductive load (current range) -
Typ. open circuit voltage current output -
Output current ranges -
Operational limit of current ranges -
Radical error limit current ranges with SFU -
Destruction limit against external applied voltage -
Settling time for ohmic load -
Settling time for capacitive load -
Settling time for inductive load -
Resolution in bit -
Conversion time -
Substitute value can be applied -
Output data size -

Technical data counters

Number of counters 4
Counter width 32 Bit
Maximum input frequency 100 kHz
Maximum count frequency 400 kHz
Mode incremental encoder
Mode pulse / direction
Mode pulse
Mode frequency counter
Mode period measurement
Gate input available
Latch input available
Reset input available -
Counter output available

Load and working memory

Load memory, integrated 128 KB
Load memory, maximum 128 KB
Work memory, integrated 64 KB
Work memory, maximal 128 KB
Memory divided in 50% program / 50% data
Memory card slot SD/MMC-Card with max. 2 GB

Hardware configuration

Racks, max. 5
Modules per rack, max. total max. 64 minus number line extensions
Number of integrated DP master -
Number of DP master via CP -
Operable function modules 64
Operable communication modules PtP 64
Operable communication modules LAN -

Status information, alarms, diagnostics

Status display yes
Interrupts yes
Process alarm yes
Diagnostic interrupt yes
Diagnostic functions yes, parameterizable
Diagnostics information read-out possible
Supply voltage display green LED
Group error display red SF LED
Channel error display red LED per group


Between channels
Between channels of groups to 16
Between channels and backplane bus
Between channels and power supply -
Max. potential difference between circuits DC 75 V/ AC 50 V
Max. potential difference between inputs (Ucm) -
Max. potential difference between Mana and Mintern (Uiso) -
Max. potential difference between inputs and Mana (Ucm) -
Max. potential difference between inputs and Mintern (Uiso) -
Max. potential difference between Mintern and outputs -
Insulation tested with DC 500 V

Command processing times

Bit instructions, min. 0.02 µs
Word instruction, min. 0.02 µs
Double integer arithmetic, min. 0.02 µs
Floating-point arithmetic, min. 0.12 µs

Timers/Counters and their retentive characteristics

Number of S7 counters 512
Number of S7 times 512

Data range and retentive characteristic

Number of flags 8192 Byte
Number of data blocks 1024
Max. data blocks size 64 KB
Max. local data size per execution level 4096 Byte


Number of OBs 22
Number of FBs 1024
Number of FCs 1024
Maximum nesting depth per priority class 16
Maximum nesting depth additional within an error OB 4


Real-time clock buffered
Clock buffered period (min.) 30 d
Accuracy (max. deviation per day) 10 s
Number of operating hours counter 8
Clock synchronization
Synchronization via MPI Master/Slave
Synchronization via Ethernet (NTP) no

Address areas (I/O)

Input I/O address area 2048 Byte
Output I/O address area 2048 Byte
Input process image maximal 2048 Byte
Output process image maximal 2048 Byte
Digital inputs 528
Digital outputs 524
Digital inputs central 528
Digital outputs central 524
Integrated digital inputs 16
Integrated digital outputs 12
Analog inputs 514
Analog outputs 256
Analog inputs, central 514
Analog outputs, central 256
Integrated analog inputs 2
Integrated analog outputs -
Number of outputs 1
Output voltage (typ) L+ (-1.5 V)
Output voltage (rated value) 300 mA
Short-circuit protection yes, electronic
Binding of potential Power supply of PLC

Communication functions

PG/OP channel
Global data communication
Number of GD circuits, max. 8
Size of GD packets, max. 54 Byte
S7 basic communication
S7 basic communication, user data per job 76 Byte
S7 communication
S7 communication as server
S7 communication as client -
S7 communication, user data per job 160 Byte
Number of connections, max. 32

PWM data

PWM channels 2
PWM time basis 1 µs / 0.1 ms / 1 ms
Period length 50µs...65.535ms / 0.1...87ms / 1...87ms
Minimum pulse width 0...0.5 * Period duration
Type of output Highside

Functionality Sub-D interfaces

Type X3
Type of interface RS485
Connector Sub-D, 9-pin, female
Electrically isolated
MP²I (MPI/RS232) -
DP master -
DP slave optional
Point-to-point interface
5V DC Power supply max. 90mA, isolated
24V DC Power supply max. 100mA, non-isolated
Type -
Type of interface -
Connector -
Electrically isolated -
MP²I (MPI/RS232) -
DP master -
DP slave -
Point-to-point interface -
5V DC Power supply -
24V DC Power supply -

Functionality MPI

Number of connections, max. 32
PG/OP channel
Global data communication
S7 basic communication
S7 communication
S7 communication as server
S7 communication as client -
Transmission speed, min. 19.2 kbit/s
Transmission speed, max. 12 Mbit/s

Functionality PROFIBUS slave

PG/OP channel
S7 communication
S7 communication as server
S7 communication as client -
Direct data exchange (slave-to-slave communication) -
Transmission speed, min. 9.6 kbit/s
Transmission speed, max. 12 Mbit/s
Automatic detection of transmission speed
Transfer memory inputs, max. 244 Byte
Transfer memory outputs, max. 244 Byte
Address areas, max. 32
User data per address area, max. 32 Byte

Point-to-point communication

PtP communication
Interface isolated
RS232 interface -
RS422 interface -
RS485 interface
Connector Sub-D, 9-pin, female
Transmission speed, min. 150 bit/s
Transmission speed, max. 115.5 kbit/s
Cable length, max. 500 m

Point-to-point protocol

ASCII protocol
STX/ETX protocol
3964(R) protocol
RK512 protocol -
USS master protocol
Modbus master protocol
Modbus slave protocol
Special protocols -

Functionality RJ45 interfaces

Type X1/X2
Type of interface Ethernet 10/100 MBit Switch
Connector 2 x RJ45
Electrically isolated
PG/OP channel
Number of connections, max. 4
Productive connections -
Type -
Type of interface -
Connector -
Electrically isolated -
PG/OP channel -
Number of connections, max. -
Productive connections -


Material PPE / PPE GF10
Mounting Profile rail 35 mm

Mechanical data

Dimensions (WxHxD) 147 mm x 100 mm x 83 mm
Weight 310 g

Environmental conditions

Operating temperature 0 °C to 60 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C to 70 °C


UL certification in preparation
KC certification in preparation
Order no.Name/Description


CPU 013C - SPEED7 technology␍
SPEED7 technology
16 x DI, 12 x DO, 2 x AI, from which are 4 input channels parameterizable 
for counters and frequency measurement and 2 Output channels for PWM
64 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 128 kB)
optionell PROFIBUS-DP slave / PtP (switchable)


CPU 014 - SPEED7 technology
SPEED7 technology
64 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 192 kB) via VIPASetCard
PROFIBUS slave/master activatable via VIPASetCard
Full-function RS485 interface integrated, switchable MPI/PtP
Ethernet PG/OP interface


CPU 014 - SPEED7 technology
SPEED7 technology
128 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 256 kB) via VIPASetCard
PROFIBUS slave/master activatable via VIPASetCard
Full-function RS485 interface integrated, switchable MPI/PtP
Ethernet PG/OP interface


CPU 015 - SPEED7 technology
SPEED7 technology
256 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 512 kB) via VIPASetCard
PROFIBUS slave/master activatable via VIPASetCard
Full-function RS485 interface integrated, switchable MPI/PtP
PROFINET controller for up to 128 participants integrated
Ethernet PG/OP interface


CPU 015 - SPEED7 technology
SPEED7 technology
256 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 512 kB) via VIPASetCard
PROFIBUS slave/master activatable via VIPASetCard
Full-function RS485 interface integrated, switchable MPI/PtP
PROFINET controller for up to 128 participants integrated
Ethernet PG/OP interface



CPU 015N - SPEED7 technology
SPEED7 technology
256 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 512 kB) via VIPASetCard
PROFIBUS slave/master activatable via VIPASetCard
Full-function RS485 interface integrated, switchable MPI/PtP
EtherCAT master for up to 128 participants integrated
Ethernet PG/OP interface


CPU 015 - SPEED7 technology
SPEED7 technology
512 kB work memory
Memory extension (max. 2048 kB) via VIPASetCard
PROFIBUS slave/master activatable via VIPASetCard
Full-function RS485 interface integrated, switchable MPI/PtP
PROFINET controller for up to 128 participants integrated
Ethernet PG/OP interface






VIPASetCard 003 for SLIO CPU
+ 64 kByte



VIPASetCard 006 for SLIO CPU
+ 128 kByte



VIPASetCard 009 for SLIO CPU
+ 256 kByte



VIPASetCard 001 for SLIO CPU



VIPASetCard 004 for SLIO CPU
+ 64 kByte + PROFIBUS-master



VIPASetCard 007 for SLIO CPU
+ 128 kByte + PROFIBUS-master



VIPASetCard 010 for SLIO CPU
+ 256 kByte + PROFIBUS-master



VIPASetCard 002 for SLIO CPU
+ PROFIBUS-slave



VIPASetCard 005 for SLIO CPU
+ 64 kByte + PROFIBUS-slave



VIPASetCard 008 for SLIO CPU
+ 128 kByte + PROFIBUS-slave



VIPASetCard 011 for SLIO CPU
+ 256 kByte + PROFIBUS-slave





 VIPASetCard 012 for SLIO CPU
+ 512 kByte





 VIPASetCard 013 for SLIO CPU
+ 512 kByte + PROFIBUS-master





 VIPASetCard 014 for SLIO CPU
+ 1 MByte





 VIPASetCard 015 for SLIO CPU
+ 1 MByte + PROFIBUS-master





VIPASetCard 016 for SLIO CPU
+ 1,5 MByte





VIPASetCard 017 for SLIO CPU
+ 1,5 MByte + PROFIBUS-master




VIPA SD-Card - empty
512 MB

Похожие товары

CPU 015N, 256kB, Ethernet, MPI, PtP, EtherCAT

Изделие: 015-CEFNR00
Встроенная рабочая память 256 кбайт (расширение до 512 кбайт), порт 1: Ethernet PG/OP (коммут.), порт 2: MPI & PtP (RS-485, изолированный), порт 3: MPI (RS-485, изолированный), порт 4: EtherCAT, порт 5: Ethernet, гнездо для карт памяти SD, программирование в SPEED7 Studio, SIMATIC Manager и TIA Portal

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CPU 014, 64kB, Ethernet, MPI, PtP

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Встроенная рабочая память 64 кбайт (расширение до 192 кбайт), порт 1: Ethernet PG/OP, порт 2: MPI & PtP (RS-485, изолированный), порт 3: MPI (RS-485, изолированный), гнездо для карт памяти SD, программирование в WinPLC7, SPEED7 Studio, STEP7 и TIA Portal

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CPU 014, 128kB, Ethernet, MPI, PtP

Изделие: 014-CEF0R01
встроенная рабочая память 128 кбайт (расширение до 256 кбайт), порт 1: Ethernet PG/OP (коммутатор), порт 2: MPI & PtP (RS-485, изолированный), порт 3: MPI (RS-485, изолированный), гнездо для карт памяти SD, программирование в SPEED7 Studio, SIMATIC Manager и TIA Portal

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CPU 015PN, 256kB, Ethernet, MPI, PtP, ProfiNET

Изделие: 015-CEFPR01
Встроенная рабочая память 256 кбайт (расширение до 512 кбайт), порт 1: Ethernet PG/OP (коммутатор), порт 2: MPI & PtP (RS-485, изолированный), порт 3: MPI (RS-485, изолированный), порт 4: PROFINET I/O (коммутатор), гнездо для карт памяти SD, программирование в SPEED7 Studio, SIMATIC Manager и TIA Portal

Розничная цена: 270438

Наши услуги

36 реализованных проекта


PHH 600300589924
ИКК KZ87826A1KTD2014870
БИК ALMNKZKA AO "АТФ" Банка с Алматы
БИН 101040014805
Разработка сайта
ТОО «Control Link» | Республика Казахстан | г. Алматы | Ауэзовский район | ул. Толе Би | д. 302, Литер Д | офис № 205 Компания ТОО CONTROL LINK создана в 2010 г. как инжиниринговая компания с целью комплексных поставок и внедрения средств автоматизации технологических процессов (АСУ ТП), систем обеспечения связи, контроля и безопасности на объекте. Company Formation CONTROL LINK LLP was created in 2010 as an engineering company for the purpose of integrated supply and implementation of process automation (APCS) systems, communication, control and security at the facility.
РНН 600300589924 | ИИК KZ67826A1KZTD2014970 | БИК АLMNKZKA АО «АТФ Банк» | г.Алматы БИН 101040014805

г. Алматы, Ауэзовский район
ул. Толе Би 302, Литер "Д"
офис № 205


+7 (727) 268-0321
+7 (701) 082-9486
+7 (707) 493-7210


+7 (727) 268-0321
