
Курсы валют

Казахстансих тенге

9:00 - 18:00
8 727 268-03-21
8 701 082-94-86


CPU 112, 8kB/16kB, DI8(12) DC 24V, DO8(4) DC 24V, MPI (RS-485)

Изделие: 112-4BH02

Краткое описание:
8 (12) входов, 8 (4) выходов, 8 кбайт рабочей памяти, 16 кбайт загрузочной памяти, нерасширяемый
Производитель: VIPA
Вес: 0.22 кг.
Розничная цена: 94119

CPU 112 112-4BH02

Модуль CPU 112, 8 (12) входов, 8 (4) выходов, 8 кбайт рабочей памяти, 16 кбайт загрузочной памяти, нерасширяемый, бесплатное ПО WinPLC7 Lite

CPU 112 MicroPLC
VIPA 112-4BH02
Габаритные размеры, В х Ш х Г, мм
101.6 mm x 76 mm x 48 mm
Температура окружающей среды
0 °C .. 60 °C
Поддерживаемые протоколы
Объем памяти
16 КБ
Количество сигналов
DI 8(12)xDC 24 В / DO 8(4)xDC 24 В



  1. Operating mode switch 
  2. Diagnostic LEDs
  3. MP2I interface
  4. Slot for MMC storage module
  5. Connection for DC 24V power supply





 Label   Color  Description
R green CPU is in the operating mode RUN.
S yellow CPU is in the operating mode STOP.
PW green Signalizes the started CPU.
SF red Blinks at system errors (hardware defect)
FC yellow Blinks, if variables are forced (fixed).
MC yellow

Blinking shows accesses at the MMC.




MP2I     Description
  1. reserved (must not be connected)
  2. M24V
  3. RxD/TxD-P (Line B)
  4. RTS
  5. M5V
  6. P5V
  7. P24V
  8. RxD/TxD-N (Line A)
  9. n.c.




Status monitor pin assignment 

LED Description          Pin assignment
 .0... .7  

LEDs (green)
I+0.0 to I+0.7
from ca. 15V on the signal
"1" is recognized and the
according LED is addressed

  1. not used
  2. Input I+0.0*
  3. Input I+0.1*
  4. Input I+0.2*
  5. Input I+0.3*
  6. Input I+0.4
  7. Input I+0.5
  8. Input I+0.6
  9. Input I+0.7
  10. Ground

 *) At X3 parameterizable as counter res. alarm input.



LED Description          Pin assignment

LED (green)
Supply voltage is available

  1. Supply voltage DC 24V
  2. Output Q+0.0
  3. Output Q+0.1
  4. Output Q+0.2
  5. Output Q+0.3
  6. Output Q+0.4
  7. Output Q+0.5
  8. Output Q+0.6*
  9. Output Q+0.7*
  10. Supply voltage ground
 .0... .7  

LEDs (green)
Q+0.0 to Q+0.7
as soon as an output is active,
the according LED is addressed


LED (red)
Error at overload, overheat
or short circuits.


  *) At X5 parameterizable as pulse output with max. output current of 0.5A per channel.

Order no.


Type CPU 112

General information

Note -
Features 8 (12) inputs
8 (4) outputs
8 kB work memory, 16 kB load memory

Technical data power supply

Power supply (rated value) DC 24 V
Power supply (permitted range) DC 20.4...28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection
Current consumption (no-load operation) 50 mA
Current consumption (rated value) 1 A
Inrush current 58 A
I²t 0.38 A²s
Max. current drain at backplane bus -
Power loss 5 W
Reverse polarity protection

Technical data digital inputs

Number of inputs 8 (12
Cable length, shielded 1000 m
Cable length, unshielded 600 m
Rated load voltage DC 24 V
Reverse polarity protection of rated load voltage
Current consumption from load voltage L+ (without load) -
Rated value DC 24 V
Input voltage for signal "0" DC 0...5 V
Input voltage for signal "1" DC 15...28.8 V
Input current for signal "1" 7 mA
Connection of Two-Wire-BEROs possible
Max. permissible BERO quiescent current 1.5 mA
Input delay of "0" to "1" 3 ms
Input delay of "1" to "0" 3 ms
Input characteristic curve IEC 61131-2, type 1
Initial data size 3 Byte

Technical data digital outputs

Number of outputs 8 (4
Cable length, shielded 1000 m
Cable length, unshielded 600 m
Rated load voltage DC 24 V
Reverse polarity protection of rated load voltage -
Current consumption from load voltage L+ (without load) 50 mA
Total current per group, horizontal configuration, 40°C 4 A
Total current per group, horizontal configuration, 60°C 4 A
Total current per group, vertical configuration 4 A
Output voltage signal "1" at min. current L+ (-125 mV)
Output voltage signal "1" at max. current L+ (-0.8 V)
Output current at signal "1", rated value 0.5 A
Output delay of "0" to "1" max. 100 µs
Output delay of "1" to "0" max. 350 µs
Minimum load current -
Lamp load 5 W
Switching frequency with resistive load max. 1000 Hz
Switching frequency with inductive load max. 0.5 Hz
Switching frequency on lamp load max. 10 Hz
Internal limitation of inductive shut-off voltage L+ (-52 V)
Short-circuit protection of output yes, electronic
Trigger level 1 A
Output data size 3 Byte

Technical data counters

Number of counters -
Counter width -
Maximum input frequency -
Maximum count frequency -
Mode incremental encoder -
Mode pulse / direction -
Mode pulse -
Mode frequency counter -
Mode period measurement -
Gate input available -
Latch input available -
Reset input available -
Counter output available -

Status information, alarms, diagnostics

Status display yes
Interrupts yes
Process alarm yes
Diagnostic interrupt yes
Diagnostic functions no
Diagnostics information read-out possible
Supply voltage display green LED
Group error display red SF LED
Channel error display none


Between channels of groups to 8
Between channels and backplane bus
Insulation tested with DC 500 V

PWM data

PWM channels -
PWM time basis -
Period length -
Minimum pulse width -
PtP communication -

Technical data power supply

Power supply (rated value) DC 24 V
Power supply (permitted range) DC 20.4...28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection
Current consumption (no-load operation) 50 mA
Current consumption (rated value) 1 A
Inrush current 58 A
I²t 0.38 A²s
Max. current drain at backplane bus -
Max. current drain load supply -
Power loss 5 W

Load and working memory

Load memory, integrated 16 KB
Load memory, maximum 16 KB
Work memory, integrated 8 KB
Work memory, maximal 8 KB
Memory divided in 50% program / 50% data -
Memory card slot MMC-Card with max. 512 MB

Hardware configuration

Racks, max. -
Modules per rack, max. -
Number of integrated DP master -
Number of DP master via CP -
Operable function modules -
Operable communication modules PtP -
Operable communication modules LAN -

Command processing times

Bit instructions, min. 0.25 µs
Word instruction, min. 1.2 µs
Double integer arithmetic, min. 2.6 µs
Floating-point arithmetic, min. 50 µs

Timers/Counters and their retentive characteristics

Number of S7 counters 256
S7 counter remanence adjustable 0 up to 64
S7 counter remanence adjustable C0 .. C7
Number of S7 times 256
S7 times remanence adjustable 0 up to 128
S7 times remanence adjustable not retentive

Data range and retentive characteristic

Number of flags 8192 Bit
Bit memories retentive characteristic adjustable adjustable 0 up to 256
Bit memories retentive characteristic preset MB0 .. MB15
Number of data blocks 2047
Max. data blocks size 16 KB
Number range DBs 1 ... 2047
Max. local data size per execution level 1024 Byte
Max. local data size per block 1024 Byte


Number of OBs 14
Maximum OB size 16 KB
Total number DBs, FBs, FCs -
Number of FBs 1024
Maximum FB size 16 KB
Number range FBs 0 ... 1023
Number of FCs 1024
Maximum FC size 16 KB
Number range FCs 0 ... 1023
Maximum nesting depth per priority class 8
Maximum nesting depth additional within an error OB 1


Real-time clock buffered
Clock buffered period (min.) 30 d
Type of buffering Vanadium Rechargeable Lithium Battery
Load time for 50% buffering period 20 h
Load time for 100% buffering period 48 h
Accuracy (max. deviation per day) 10 s
Number of operating hours counter 8
Clock synchronization -
Synchronization via MPI -
Synchronization via Ethernet (NTP) -

Address areas (I/O)

Input I/O address area 1024 Byte
Output I/O address area 1024 Byte
Process image adjustable -
Input process image preset 128 Byte
Output process image preset 128 Byte
Input process image maximal 128 Byte
Output process image maximal 128 Byte
Digital inputs 12
Digital outputs 8
Digital inputs central 12
Digital outputs central 8
Integrated digital inputs 8 (12
Integrated digital outputs 8 (4
Analog inputs -
Analog outputs -
Analog inputs, central -
Analog outputs, central -
Integrated analog inputs -
Integrated analog outputs -

Communication functions

PG/OP channel
Global data communication
Number of GD circuits, max. 4
Size of GD packets, max. 22 Byte
S7 basic communication
S7 basic communication, user data per job 76 Byte
S7 communication
S7 communication as server
S7 communication as client -
S7 communication, user data per job 160 Byte
Number of connections, max. 16

Functionality Sub-D interfaces

Type MP²I
Type of interface RS485
Connector Sub-D, 9-pin, female
Electrically isolated -
MP²I (MPI/RS232)
Point-to-point interface -

Functionality MPI

Number of connections, max. 16
PG/OP channel
Routing -
Global data communication
S7 basic communication
S7 communication
S7 communication as server
S7 communication as client -
Transmission speed, min. 19.2 kbit/s
Transmission speed, max. 187.5 kbit/s


Material PPE / PA 6.6
Mounting Profile rail 35 mm

Mechanical data

Dimensions (WxHxD) 101.6 mm x 76 mm x 48 mm
Weight 219 g

Environmental conditions

Operating temperature 0 °C to 60 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C to 70 °C


UL508 certification yes
Order no.Name/Description


CPU 112 - Micro PLC
8 (12) inputs
8 (4) outputs
8 kB work memory, 16 kB load memory


CPU 114 - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
8 (4) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory


CPU 114 - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
8 (4) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
24 kB work memory, 32 kB load memory


CPU 114 - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
8 (4) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
32 kB work memory, 40 kB load memory


CPU 114R - Micro PLC
16 inputs
8 relay outputs
AC 230 V/ DC 30 V
16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory


CPU 114R - Micro PLC
16 inputs
8 relay outputs
AC 230 V/ DC 30 V
24 kB work memory, 32 kB load memory


CPU 114R - Micro PLC
16 inputs
8 relay outputs
AC 230 V/ DC 30 V
32 kB work memory, 40 kB load memory


CPU 115 - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory


CPU 115 - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
24 kB work memory, 32 kB load memory


CPU 115 - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
32 kB work memory, 40 kB load memory


CPU 115SER - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory
RS232 interface


CPU 115SER - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
24 kB work memory, 32 kB load memory
RS232 interface


CPU 115SER - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
32 kB work memory, 40 kB load memory
RS232 interface


CPU 115DP - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory
PROFIBUS-DP slave interface


CPU 115DP - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
24 kB work memory, 32 kB load memory
PROFIBUS-DP slave interface


CPU 115DP - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
32 kB work memory, 40 kB load memory
PROFIBUS-DP slave interface


CPU 115SER - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory
RS485 interface


CPU 115SER - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
24 kB work memory, 32 kB load memory
RS485 interface


CPU 115SER - Micro PLC
16 (20) inputs
16 (12) outputs
from which are 2 PWM 50 kHz outputs
32 kB work memory, 40 kB load memory
RS485 interface

Похожие товары

CPU 115, 16kB/24kB, DI16(20) DC 24V, DO16(12) DC 24V, MPI (RS-485)

Изделие: 115-6BL02
16 (20) входов, 16 (12) выходов 16 кбайт рабочей памяти, 24 кбайт загрузочной памяти, расширяемый

Розничная цена: 160290
CPU 114R, 16kB/24kB, DI16 DC 24V, DO8 AC 230V/DC 30V, MPI (RS-485)

Изделие: 114-6BJ52
16 входов, 8 релейных выходов (230 В перем. тока/30 В пост. тока), 16 кбайт рабочей памяти, 24 кбайт загрузочной памяти, расширяемый

Розничная цена: 125766
CPU 114R, 24kB/32kB, DI16 DC 24V, DO8 AC 230V/DC 30V, MPI (RS-485)

Изделие: 114-6BJ53
16 входов, 8 релейных выходов (230 В перем. тока/30 В пост. тока), 24 кбайт рабочей памяти, 32 кбайт загрузочной памяти, расширяемый

Розничная цена: 151248
CPU 115, 32kB/40kB, DI16(20) DC 24V, DO16(12) DC 24V, MPI (RS-485)

Изделие: 115-6BL04
16 (20) входов, 16 (12) выходов, 32 кбайт рабочей памяти, 40 кбайт загрузочной памяти, расширяемый

Розничная цена: 206733

Наши услуги

40 реализованных проекта


PHH 600300589924
ИКК KZ87826A1KTD2014870
БИК ALMNKZKA AO "АТФ" Банка с Алматы
БИН 101040014805
Разработка сайта
ТОО «Control Link» | Республика Казахстан | г. Алматы | Ауэзовский район | ул. Толе Би | д. 302, Литер Д | офис № 205 Компания ТОО CONTROL LINK создана в 2010 г. как инжиниринговая компания с целью комплексных поставок и внедрения средств автоматизации технологических процессов (АСУ ТП), систем обеспечения связи, контроля и безопасности на объекте. Company Formation CONTROL LINK LLP was created in 2010 as an engineering company for the purpose of integrated supply and implementation of process automation (APCS) systems, communication, control and security at the facility.
РНН 600300589924 | ИИК KZ67826A1KZTD2014970 | БИК АLMNKZKA АО «АТФ Банк» | г.Алматы БИН 101040014805

г. Алматы, Ауэзовский район
ул. Толе Би 302, Литер "Д"
офис № 205


+7 (727) 268-0321
+7 (701) 082-9486
+7 (707) 493-7210


+7 (727) 268-0321
